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Do queer people in India want to get married?

Marriage among queer people is a complex topic. Legally, the Indian state recognises marriages between a male and a female person, that is, a heterosexual marriage. It does not recognise marriage between people of the same gender. However many queer people opt for a non-legal marriage nonetheless.

Marriage among queer people is a complex topic. Legally, the Indian state recognises marriages between a male and a female person, that is, a heterosexual marriage. It does not recognise marriage between people of the same gender. Therefore, marriages between transmen and transwomen are recognised by law; however marriages between two gay men are not.

Many queer couples around the world opt for marriage since the legal connection provides ease of access into other areas of life such as seeking out loans, accommodation, work permits, etc.

Many queer couples also decide to forego a legally recognised marriage, and undertake a “social marriage”. In a social marriage the couple may hold a wedding and celebrate their union in public but will not be bound by any legal framework. It must be mentioned that for many queer people, these decisions can have severe backlash. There have been instances where wedding organisers, priests and caterers have refused to facilitate wedding ceremonies, or where families and workplaces have refused to recognise the marriage.

As long as society remains heteronormative, the difficulties faced by queer people and their partnerships may never disappear.