Image of Gurgaon's buildings

What is the class and caste census of Gurgaon?

According to the 2011 Census of India, Gurgaon district’s total population is 1,514,432 out of which 197,937 are from Schedule Castes and 0 are from Scheduled tribes. While 68.8% of the population lives in urban areas, 31.2% of them live in rural areas.

According to the 2011 Census of India, Gurgaon district’s total population is 1,514,432. Out of which 816,690 are male and 697,742 are females. The average sex ratio of Gurgaon is 854. While 68.8% of the population lives in urban areas, 31.2% of them live in rural areas.

84.7% of the population is literate which is greater than the overall average of the state of Haryana which is at 75.5%. In the urban population, 86.76% are literate and in the rural population the number is at 80.08%. Male literacy is at 90.46% and female literacy is at 77.98%.

The Gurgaon district has 98.03% Hindus, 4.68% Muslims, 0.64% Christians, 1% Sikhs, 0.49% Jains, 0.06% Buddhists and 0.02% of others. Among the 1,514,432 citizens, 197,937 are from Schedule Castes and 0 are from Scheduled tribes. As of 2021, the estimated population of gurgaon is 2,982,928. The city is growing at a rapid rate due to its expanding business sector.

According to a Times of India report, 90% of Dalits live in 25% of the neighbourhoods while upper castes are spread across 60% of the neighbourhoods.